Welcome MESA parents!! This section is designed to keep you up to date with your student’s activities in MESA and serves as a resource for any questions you might have. Below are some FAQ’s:
What is MESA and how will my son/daughter benefit from it?
There are numerous ways that MESA will prepare your son/daughter to be competitively eligible and equipped to attain the next level of education, the university. For a detailed presentation of what MESA is all about, download the “Parent Orientation” PDF in English or Spanish. You can also see a full list of our services outlined in our MESA One Sheeter for quick reference.
Does it cost money to be in MESA?
Absolutely not. MESA is a state funded program and we work with your school and school districts to provide this service at no cost to you or the students.
When are the MESA meetings and events?
The advisors at your school determine when MESA will meet. Some meet during the week and others meet only on Saturdays, or a combination of both. Contact the MESA advisor at each school to see when they will meet. You can also download the following calendars with all our event dates:
MESA Saturday Institute (MSI)
*MSI calendar applies only to schools that meet on Saturdays
How do I enroll my son/daughter in MESA?
Both you and your student must fill out, sign, and submit a completed Enrollment Package to officially enroll in MESA. Contact the MESA advisor at your school to obtain a package.
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